Amazing weight loss – LBB – w7

At the start of LBB (Losing baby belly) week 7, I weigh 56 kilos, which means I have lost 2 kilos in two weeks. I think there is something seriously wrong with our bathroom scale. Because I have been eating like a pig, munching on mixture (similar to bombay mix)  and I do not feel light at all. I have not been doing pilates regularly either. I know, pilates are not meant to help you reduce weight. They are mild exercises meant to tighten tummy muscles and help to put the pelvic bones back right and all that, but doing them regularly means I am in that mode of looking after my health and fitness.  When I am in that mode, I eat sensibly, balance my diet well and all that.  I must get into that mode now to make the faulty bathroom scale reading right.

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